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2025 Conference Proceedings -
General Sessions

Day 1: Tuesday, May 20
Module 1: Pallet Preperation & Conditioning

8:00 am – 8:30 am

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Precision and Repeatability in Doing Additives, Specifically Color

Speaker: Alan Landers, Product Manager | Conair

Precision and repeatability in additives, specifically color – when it comes to extrusion of film, sheet,  and fiber. This session will talk about the necessity of trending, tracking, and tracing additive usage, to verify the perfect repeatability in demanding film, sheet, and fiber extrusion processes. Not only can the proper equipment produce perfect color match shift after shift, but it can result in ROI in weeks, not years. 

8:30 am – 9:00 am

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Energy Efficiency Considerations for Extrusion

Speaker: Joe Dziedzic, Sr. Product Manager | ACS Group

The presentation will discuss some simple and cost-effective changes to the Extrusion process that can reduce overall operating costs, improve plant safety and improve the overall bottom line and profitability.

Module 2: Melt Preperation & Delivery

9:00 am – 9:30 am

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Solids Conveying: The Differences in Smooth Bore vs. Shallow Grooves vs Full Grooves

Speaker: Kevin Slusarz, Dir. of Process Technology | US Extruders

The pros and cons of each type of feeding section (smooth bore barrels, barrels with shallow grooves, and barrels that are fully grooved) will be addressed in this presentation.

9:30 am – 10:00 am

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The Role of Melt Temperature, Melt Pressure, and Mixing in Extrusion

Speaker: Chris Rauwendaal, President | Rauwendaal Extrusion Engineering

This presentation will be an overview of the role of melt temperature, melt pressure, and mixing in the extrusion process and the interdependency of these parameters. Factors that affect melt temperatures will be analyzed as well as the prediction of melt temperatures. We will discuss why pressure measurement is important and what factors determine melt pressure. We will elaborate the basic mixing principles and why mixing is critical in the extrusion process. Finally, we will discuss how to achieve efficient distributive and dispersive mixing.


10:30 am – 11:00 am

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Surprisingly Fine Pressure Control Without a Gear Pump

Speaker: Keith Luker, President | Randcastle Extrusion Systems, Inc.

A new screw design avoids the primary cause of surging using a series of mixers; each mixer dampens the volumetric input variation yielding very fine pressure control.

11:00 am – 11:30 am

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Practical Screw and Barrel Design for Venting in a Twin-Screw Extruder

Speaker: Kenneth Russell, Sr. Principle Engineer |SACO AEI Polymers

Venting is necessary in some compounding and most reactive extrusion operations to remove reaction by-products and unconverted reactants. Often venting is necessary to ensure that the density of the extrudate is within the required limits. However, operational problems can arise at the extruder vent. Issues such as vent flow, condensate carry over, and plugging can cause process upsets and create quality and safety issues. Many of these issues can be mitigated with the design of the screw configuration in the vented region. 

11:30 am – 12:00 pm

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Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

Speaker: Carlos Escobar, Research Scientist | Dow

The objective of this presentation is to provide an overview and best practices of how to use Reactive Extrusion to produce polyolefins with reactive functionality.


1:00 pm – 1:30 pm

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Managing Melt Pressure & Temperature in a Twin-Screw Extruder

Speaker: Brian Haight, Technology Manager, Leistritz Extrusion

Polymers are typically melted to facilitate processing goals, such as mixing, devolatilization and pumping. During these processes, some polymers and additives will degrade when exposed to elevated temperatures. Managing both pressure and time at temperature exposure becomes important to help mitigate this issue. Various techniques to successfully process thermally sensitive materials via twin screw extrusion with supporting test results, will be presented to help gain insight how to process these formulations.

1:30 pm – 2:00 pm

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Mixing in Single-Screw Extruders

Speaker: Tim Womer, President | TWWomer & Associates, LLC

Mixing with single screws is a very critical part of a good screw design.  Understanding the type of mixer needed for the resin being processed is most important.  Should a distributive or dispersive mixer be used or should both types be used?  All single screws should have a mixer, even if natural or pre-color resin is being processed.  These topics will be discussed during this presentation.

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Optimizing Downstream Filtration and Pumping

This presentation will delve into various options in filtration/screen changer, and melt/gear pump technology to optimize melt quality feeding the die.

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Speaker: Dana Darley, President | Dana Darley Extrusion Solutions, Inc.

Module 3: Instrumentation

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

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Guide to Drive and Control Upgrades for Extruders

Speaker: Scott Barlow, Founder | Integrated Control Technologies

Integrated Control Technologies has developed "A Guide to Upgrading Extruders for Everyone" in order to assist plastic manufacturers in creating a plan for how to have a successful extruder upgrade.  Whether your role is coporate engineer, plant manager, plant engineer or plant maintenance, we believe that you will find the infromation useful.  This presentation will take you through those important steps of this process.

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

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Preparing Extrusion Data for AI

Speaker: Peter Brand, COO & Co-Founder | Oden Technologies

Many manufacturers are looking to invest in AI to improve production. However, unlike other industries that can pull from traditional databases to use in AI models, manufacturers have extremely specialized needs when it comes to packaging their data for effective use in AI.

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

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AC Drive (VFD) Technology Trend in Extruder Market

Speaker: Sean Kim, Dir. OEM Sales General Machinery & Extruder
                  US Motion Business ABB

This presentation will explore the latest technology advancement in AC Drive (VFD) technology, particularly focusing on industrial automation applications.  Highlighting some advance features like seamless integration of industrial communications, safety options, and harmonic mitigation.  Overviewing some of VFD advancement for future smart manufacturing consideration.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Extrusion Conference Opening Reception at the Sam Adams Boston Taproom!

Cheers! All registered attendees are invited to join us after a day of sessions for happy hour, food and fun!

Day 2: Wednesday, May 21
Module 4: Die Design Fundamentals

8:00 am – 8:30 am

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Blown Film Die Design Principles Every Processor Should Know

Speaker: Karen Xiao, VP of Technology | Macro Engineering & Technology, Inc.

This presentation will give a general overview of blown film die design principles, introduce the types of blown film dies in the industry and the factors that are important in evaluating the performance of blown film extrusion systems that every processor should know.

8:30 am – 9:00 am

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Profile Die Design Principles

Speaker: Randy Brown, Independent Consultant | IPlasticPI

- Rheology – Top Consideration when designing profile extrusion dies
- Design methodology to achieve a good part
- Cooling is critical to achieving a good part
- Tuning in a Profile Die

9:00 am – 9:30 am

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Tubing Die Design Principles Every Processor Should Know

Speaker: John Perdikoulias, Vice President |Compuplast 

Coming Soon

9:30 am – 10:00 am

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Flat Die Design Principles and Enhancements

Speaker: Sam Iuliano, Chief Technologist | Nordson Dies Industries, LLC

Presentation topics: how flat dies work, basic construction, flow distribution manifolds, slot gap and width adjustments, basic and enhanced distribution tuning adjustments

Module 5:  Processing Challenges in a Sustainable World

10:30 am – 11:00 am

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Bioplastics Processes: Mixing and Devolatilization via Twin-Screw Extrusion

Speaker: Charlie Martin, President/GM | Leistritz Extrusion

Presentation Key Topics:

  1. How to mix heat and shear materials without degradation in a twin screw extruder

  2. Tips and theories for effective devolatilization

  3. How to stage unit operations along the length of the twin screw extruder process section

  4. Upstream and downstream options and configurations

11:00 am - 11:30 am

Overcoming Sheet Extrusion Challenges Associated with Biopolymers and PCR Resins

Speaker: Tom Limbrunner, VP - Applications & Technology | PTi

To meet sustainability goals, processors must first understand the challenges associated with biopolymers and PCR.  This presentation demonstrates how high vacuum twin-screw multi-resin extrusion technology best supports the processing of hygroscopic materials, such as PET/PLA and PCR (especially those laminated with Polyolefin, PET, PETG, etc.).

11:30 am - 12:00 pm

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Closed-Loop In-line Color Correction Automation When Extruding PCR & PIR

Speaker: Douglas Brownfield, Commercial Dir. of CISystems | Ampacet Corp

New automation that allows PCR compounders and extrusion companies running high rates of PCR or PIR that takes the line operator out of color QC and no longer responsibile for maintaining color standards during production.  New Ai color correction software and hardware that measures color in-line and corrects color in-line with individual mono pigments in real-time.


1:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Enhancing Efficiency in Extrusion: Advanced Purging Techniques for Sustainable Operations

Speaker: Lenny Gutierrez, Technical Sales Rep |Asaclean-Asahi Kasei Plastics NA

This session explores advanced purging techniques to tackle common extrusion challenges like contamination, material buildup, and extended changeover times. Learn how optimized purging practices can enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and contribute to more sustainable operations.

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm


Process Control in Foam Extrusion

​PROMIX Solutions LLC

Coming Soon

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

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One-Step Extrusion of PCR Resins title

Speaker: Monika Gneuss, Vice President | Gneuss

This presentation will cover a novel system for reprocessing of industrial and post-consumer waste from all kinds of polymers.

Module 6: Trouble Shooting in Extrusion

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

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Expert Tips on How to Overcome Process Limitations in Your Compounding Line

Speaker: Cameron Kheradi, Dir. Process Technology | Coperion

This presentation will highlight common rate and quality limitations on twin screw compounding equipment, and provide insights on how to overcome them. We will follw the pellet through the individual unit operations from feed intake to pressurization and discharge.

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm

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Flat Die Troubleshooting Tips

Speaker: Christine Ronaghan, Director Technology Group | Cloeren Inc

This presentation will cover a few specific case studies to guide processors in common troubleshooting efforts as they relate to flat die performance and optimization.  

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

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Troubleshooting of Profile Extrusion, The Use & Meaning of Utilizing SPC to Properly Diagnosis Root Cause

Speaker: Dan Cykana, Chief Principle | Extrusion Solutions, LLC 

All of the extrusions processes are a complex and difficult manufacturing process to Troubleshoot in an effort to produce a quality product. Profile Extrusion is undoubtedly the most demanding, since each profile is unique.  Output rates vary depending on the ability to cool all the sections equally/at the same time preventing differential Drawdowns of the profile! Dissecting the complete extrusion process is examined  in this presentation which is applicable to all of the various extrusion processes (Sheet, Blown Film, Tube & pipe, &coating} The use of statistics through SPC with a case study  highlights the ability to find “Root Cause Analysis.

4:30 pm - 5:00 pm


Solving Fluctuating Extruder Torque/Amps in a Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder

Speaker: Albert Bailey, Sales Engineer | ENTEK

This presentation will take a look at the reasons for entruder torque/amp fluctuations. As well the troubleshooting steps to combat these issues.

5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

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Identifying Wear Problems That Cause Downtime, Scrap and Lost Production

Speaker: Steve Jackson, Director of Sales | Extreme Coatings 

This presentation will focus on adhesive wear, abrasive wear and corrosion, and will discuss how they manifest themselves.

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